Quote Originally Posted by Kybo_Ren
By golly, you're right. How stupid of me.

if((sOne + sTwo <= sThree) || (sOne + sThree <= sTwo) || (sTwo + sThree <= sOne))
EDIT: Take notice that the last one that isn't bolded is not a triangle either. The sum of the lengths of two sides of a triangle must be greater than the length of the third.

You could also place a return result; after every if statement if you wanted to.
If he doesn't either use returns after every if, or change it to if/elsif structure, its going to keep getting the SCALENE result. look

if(sOne != sTwo && sOne != sThree)
        result = SCALENE;
sOne was never equal in either of the test cases, which means this if would be taken, and result would be assigned SCALENE.