Well basically I need to find a way to fix this problem I keep on having.

Here is my code.

    Triangle calculateTriangleType(int &sOne,int &sTwo,int &sThree)
    Triangle result;

    if(sOne + sTwo < sThree || sOne + sThree < sTwo || sTwo + sThree < sOne)
         result = NO_TRIANGLE;

    if(sOne == sTwo && sOne == sThree)
         result = EQUILATERAL;

    if(sOne == sTwo && sOne != sThree || sTwo == sThree && sTwo != sOne || sThree == sOne && sThree != sTwo)
        result = ISOCELES;

    if(sOne != sTwo && sOne != sThree)
        result = SCALENE;

     return result;

Here is my problem. At the way this is currently setup I have no issues with most things. However my problem arises when it should be identifying a No_Triangle as a Scalene. Also keep in mind for any triangle to be considered a triangle any two of its sides must be greater than the third.

Here is an example of my various outputs and what problem I keep having.

Please enter a value for side 1 of your triangle:   1
Please enter a value for side 2 of your triangle:   1
Please enter a value for side 3 of your triangle:   1

The lengths of the sides that you entered were:  1, 1, and 1.

Would you like to continue (Y or N)?  y

Please enter a value for side 1 of your triangle:   12
Please enter a value for side 2 of your triangle:   12
Please enter a value for side 3 of your triangle:   11

The lengths of the sides that you entered were:  12, 12, and 11.

Would you like to continue (Y or N)?  y

Please enter a value for side 1 of your triangle:   1
Please enter a value for side 2 of your triangle:   2
Please enter a value for side 3 of your triangle:   3

The lengths of the sides that you entered were:  1, 2, and 3.

Would you like to continue (Y or N)?  y

Please enter a value for side 1 of your triangle:   900
Please enter a value for side 2 of your triangle:   1
Please enter a value for side 3 of your triangle:   3

The lengths of the sides that you entered were:  900, 1, and 3.

Would you like to continue (Y or N)?  y

Please enter a value for side 1 of your triangle:   3
Please enter a value for side 2 of your triangle:   1
Please enter a value for side 3 of your triangle:   1

The lengths of the sides that you entered were:  3, 1, and 1.
Note that the bolded ones should not be Scalene, but in fact should be No_Triangle.

Not sure on the logic needed to make this happen.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.