In my crappy HTML editor (i emphasize crappy) every time it asks for you to imput a paragraph of information, it just skips it (ie.the program outputs "input paragraph...yadayadaya...but just skips it and goes onto the next thing. Here is my code:
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void getFormat();
void menu();
void getPara();

int main()
	remove("HTML Page.html");
	cout << "        ***********************************************\n";
	cout << "              Welcome to ChrisHTML version 0.75\n";
	cout << "        ***********************************************\n";
	cout << "This version of ChrisHTML now includes the capability to add paragraphs of text\n";
	cout << "and you may at tags to your text.\n";
	cout << "Before you can do anything, you must set the text colour\nand the background colour...\n";
	ofstream end("HTML Page.html", ios::ate);

	end << "</BODY>\n</HTML>";

	cout << ".:HTML page and source code created:.\n\n";
return 0;

void getFormat()
	char title[50];
	cout << "\nEnter the title for you page: ";
	cin.getline(title, 50);
	cout << "\n";

	int bgcolor;
	cout << "Enter what colour-code for your background (six digits): ";
	cin >> bgcolor;
	cout << "\n";

	int textcolor;
    cout << "Enter the colour for the text (six digits): ";
	cin >> textcolor;
    ofstream html("HTML Page.html", ios::ate);

	html << "<!--Generated by ChrisHTML 0.7-->\n";
	html << "<HTML>\n";
	html << "<HEAD>\n";
	html << "<TITLE>";
	html << title;
	html << "</TITLE>\n";
    html << "<meta name=\"GENERATOR\" content=\"ChrisHTML 0.5\">";
    html << "</HEAD>";
	html << "<BODY ";
	html << "bgcolor=";
    html << bgcolor;
	html << " text=";
	html << textcolor;
	html << " >\n";

void menu()
	int option;
	cout << "\nHere are you current options:\n";
	cout << "[1]Add a new paragraph\n[2]Create HTML\n";
	cout << "(more options in next version)\n";
	cin >> option;
	case 1:

	case 2:
		cout << "\nYou must enter a valid integer\n";

void getPara()
	char para[150];
	cout << "Enter the text for your new paragrah -  use the <br> tag for a new line,\n";
	cout << "press enter to stop editing this particular paragragh and go back to the menu:\n";
    cin.getline(para, 150);

    ofstream parag("HTML Page.html", ios::ate);

	parag << "\n";
	parag << "<p>";
	parag << para;
	parag << "<p>";
	parag << "\n";

	cout << "\n";

The area of the code where there is a problem, is here:
cout << "Enter the text for your new paragrah -  use the <br> tag for a new line,\n";
	cout << "press enter to stop editing this particular paragragh and go back to the menu:\n";
    cin.getline(para, 150);