Hi, what I'm doing is reading in information from a binary file, and storing that information into an array of structs. Here is that bit of code. Record in this case is my base struct.
int read_file( int filesize , int &count , Record *&ptr , fstream &file )
    int i = 0;

    file.seekg(0,ios::end);          // move to end of file
    filesize = file.tellg();         // get number of byte in file
    count = filesize / sizeof(Record);  // compute number of records
    file.seekg(0,ios::beg);          // move to beginning of file

    ptr = new Record[count];

    for( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ )
        file.read( (char *) &ptr[i] , sizeof(Record) );

    return count;
Once the entire binary file is read in, I no longer use the file until I am going to write to it. So in the run of the program I do all my messing around with the information within the structs after they are stored in this array.

This is probably a simple question, but how do I allocate more space for new structs in this array? During the run of the program, I will be adding and deleting records, and as my code stands I only have enough room for what I read in originally, correct?

After manipulating the info, it is all written back into the file.

Thanks for any help.