I am making this program for a fake store that will take the price of an item and add it to the other items you put in and then multiply by sales tax. I was just wondering how i could round everything off to the 100th. For example, if the price of the item was 1.25 and that was all they bought, 1.25 * .0825 is 1.66562. I would like it to read 1.67. Here is the code so far.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

	const float SALESTAX = .0825;
	float totalprice;
	float totalpricewithouttax;
	float item1;
	float item2;
	float item3;
	float item4;
	float item5;

	cout<<"Enter the price of an item: ";
	cin>> item1;
	if (item1 < 0) {
		cout<<"You must enter a price";
		return 1;

	if (item1 > 0) {
		cout<<"If this is the only item being bought, enter 0.  If not, enter the price for item 2: ";
	cin>> item2;

	if (item2 == 0) {
		totalpricewithouttax= item1;
		totalprice= (item1) * (item1 + SALESTAX);
	cout<< "The price is "<< totalpricewithouttax<< endl;
	cout<< "The total ammount due is "<< totalprice << endl;