can any one help me. i am suppose to write a battleship game as for my class and since i never played the game befor i have no clue on what i'm doing or what to do.
here is what i have so far. i don't get the cding that i wrote so if any one has any suggestions please do so. thanks alot.

#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <string> 
#include <cstdlib> 
#include <ctime> 

using namespace std; 

const int size_x = 10; 
const int size_y = 10; 

int field[size_x][size_y]; 

void board(int location [size_x][size_y], char direction); 

void main(string Carriers, string battleship, string cruiser,string submarine, string destroyer); 
void check(string Carriers, string battleship, string cruiser,string submarine, string destroyer); 

void location(int& size_x, int& size_y); 
int main() 
srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); 
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(5); 
for ( int i = 0; i < size_x; ++i ) 
cout << size_y <<" " << rand() % 10 << endl; 
return 0; 
//location function 
void location(int& size_x, int& size_y) 


void board(int location [size_x][size_y], char direction); 
int Continue(10); 
int place[x][y]; 

while (Continue == 10) 
cout << "where do you want to place your piece" ; 
cin >> place; 
cout << endl; 

int print_x,print_y; 

y1 = position.substr(0,1); 
x1 = position.substr(1,1); 

if (x1 == "1") 
print_x = 1; 
if (x1 == "2") 
print_x = 2; 
if (x1 == "3") 
print_x = 3; 
if (x1 == "4") 
print_x = 4; 
if (x1 == "5") 
print_x = 5; 
if (x1 == "6") 
print_x = 6; 
if (x1 == "7") 
print_x = 7; 
if (x1 == "8") 
print_x = 8; 
if (x1 == "9") 
print_x = 9; 
if (x1 == "10") 
print_x = 10; 

if (y1 == "A" || y1 == "a") 
print_y = 10; 
if (y1 == "B" || y1 == "b") 
print_y = 9; 
if (y1 == "C" || y1 == "c") 
print_y = 8; 
if (y1 == "D" || y1 == "d") 
print_y = 7; 
if (y1 == "E" || y1 == "e") 
print_y = 6; 
if (y1 == "F" || y1 == "f") 
print_y = 5; 
if (y1 == "G" || y1 == "g") 
print_y = 4; 
if (y1 == "H" || y1 == "h") 
print_y = 3; 
if (y1 == "I" || y1 == "i") 
print_y = 2; 
if (y1 == "J" || y1 == "j") 
print_y = 1; 
