Hello, I always heard that you can not do graphics in windows 32 console. But I found this Function that says something abuot switching to Full Screen with hardware.


The GetConsoleDisplayMode function retrieves the display mode of the current console.

BOOL GetConsoleDisplayMode(
LPDWORD lpModeFlags

[out] Display mode of the console. This parameter can be one or more of the following values. Value Meaning
CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN Full-screen console. The console is in this mode as soon as the window is maximized. At this point, the transition to full-screen mode can still fail.
CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_HARDWARE Full-screen console communicating directly with the video hardware. This mode is set after the console is in CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN mode to indicate that the transition to full-screen mode has completed.

Does this mean that You can Use SetConsoleDispayMode? And do Graphics in Console mode?

And How do you use Console functions? I tried passing the function CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN Full? but it didnt work.

Thanks. I would like to understand how to understand how to use Functions from the documentation
Byebye Have a good day and Thanks for Looking