Say I have a class Item which overloads the assignment operator if I make a class called weapon that publicly inherits the Item class can I use the operator to assign a weapon to a item?
like this?
Class Item
      void SetAB(int, int);
      Item& operator = (const Item& i);
      int a;
      int b;

Item& Item::operator = (const Item& i)
   a = i.a;
   b = i.b;
   return *this;
void Item::SetAB(int A,int B)
   a = A;
   b = B;

Class Weapon : public Item
   //doesnt matter i dont overload the = again
   int c;
   int d;

int main()
   Weapon sword;
   sword.SetAB(1 , 2);
   Item temp;
   temp = sword;
   return 0;
Now my question is will temp.a and temp.b hold sword.a and sword.b and if I did it the other way sword = temp would sword hold temp.a and temp.b in sword.a and sword.b?

Also is this something thats not violating any standards of programming? Like void main() or something i mean if it works but its just bad practace.