#include <iostream>

// Prototypes
int WidthInFeet();
int WidthInInches(int feet);

int main()
// Initialize variables by calling functions.
int feet = WidthInFeet();
int wd = WidthInInches(feet);
// Display results.
std::cout << "Width in inches = " << wd;
return 0;

int WidthInFeet()
int feet;
std::cout << "Enter width in feet: ";
std::cin >> feet;
return feet;

int WidthInInches(int feet)
return feet * 12;

I'm a new to C++ and I understand that it reads up to down. However, I don't understand how the last part could return a number and then that number is returned to the out line in the main function. Can someone please explain this?