When working with inheritance and polymorphism, always remember to use the virtual identifier within the class headers and remeber to define your class destructors - even if you do not use them. Also, there is only a need to create a BankAccount pointer as each CAcct or SAcct is a BankAccount. Here are the files I have altered:

// BankAccount.h


class BankAccount
    BankAccount( void );
    BankAccount( double );
    virtual ~BankAccount() {};

    int withdraw( double );
    int deposit( double );
    int transfer( BankAccount &, double );
    virtual void print( void );

    double balance;
}; // end BankAccount class


// CAcct.h
// Checking Account Class Header File

#ifndef CACCT_H
#define CACCT_H

#include "BankAccount.h"

class CAcct : public BankAccount
    CAcct( void );
    virtual ~CAcct() {};

    virtual void print ( void );

    double fee;
}; // end CAcct class


// SAcct.h
// Savings Account Class Header File

#ifndef SACCT_H
#define SACCT_H

#include "BankAccount.h"

class SAcct : public BankAccount
    SAcct( void );
    virtual ~SAcct() {};

    virtual void print ( void );

    double rate;
}; // end SAcct class


// Test.cpp
// Benjamin Comstock
// C++
// Lab 5
// Bank Account Program
// 11-08-01

#include "CAcct.h"
#include "SAcct.h"
#include <iostream.h>

// driver
// entering main
int main ( void )
    // creating variables for program
    int choice = 0;    //choice var
    int GB = 0;
    BankAccount *aPtr[2];

    for (int i =0; i < 2; i++)
        aPtr[i] = NULL;    // make sure your pointers start with NULL values

    cout << "Enter (1) for Checking or (2) for Savings: ";
    cin >> choice;

    if (choice == 1)
        aPtr[0] = new CAcct();    // assign pointer to a new CAcct object
        GB = 1;
    else if (choice == 2)
        aPtr[1] = new SAcct();  // assign pointer to a new SAcct object

        GB = 2;
    cout << "Good Bad reported: " << GB <<endl;

    // clean up the memory
    for (i =0; i < 2; i++)
        if ( aPtr[i] != NULL)  // only delete if necessary
            delete aPtr[i];
            aPtr[i] = NULL;

    return 0;
If you have any questions about this, let me know.
