Sorry for the bad thread name, I couldnt think what to put

I only started programming in C++ today, so please point out anything which I am doing wrong - I don't want to get bad habits this early on

I have made this program, which asks you for a number, then adds 5 to it and displays the result. Then waits for keypress before terminating:

#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main ()
  int a;
  int result;
  int numtoadd;

  cout << "Number to add 5 to\n";
  cin >> numtoadd;
  a = 5;
  result = numtoadd + a;

  cout << result;

  cout << "\nThat is the answer to " << numtoadd << " plus 5\n\n";
  cout << "Press any key to continue...\n";
  cout<<"A key was pressed... exiting the program";
  return 0;
The problem I have is, the program seems to wait for keypress before it displays the result and the following text. Could anyone please point out where I have gone wrong?
Thanks very much for any help