Thread: Rate my code

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Dec 2003

    Smile Rate my code

    I'm a beginning C++ programmer and I'm writing a console file-search application that uses a DataBase with a list of files (like locate from the linux shell). Below is the sourcecode that I've written so far. I'm posting it here because I don't know any good programmers myself and I would really like to get some tips and comments to push me in the right direction.

    Besides that, I've also got a few specific questions:

    The inline function UnDefBit sets a bit to zero by doing the following:
    lineofbits = ((2^32)-1 - 2^bitnumber) AND lineofbits.
    I was wondering if there is an easier way to do this because this seems kind of time-consuming to me, and I'd rather not load the math.h library.

    Someone told me that I should use a DWORD for storing rows of bits. Why should I use a DWORD instead of a long int?

    #include <windows.h>
    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <math.h>
    DWORD OptionFlags = 0;
    inline bool BitTrue(DWORD a, DWORD b) { return (a & (1 << b)) ? true : false; } //Is bit 1?
    inline void DefBit(DWORD &a, DWORD b) { a = (a | (1 <<  b)); } //define bit
    inline void UnDefBit(DWORD &a, DWORD b) { a = DWORD(4294967295 - pow(2, b)) & a; } //undefine bit
    DWORD LogicDrives(bool HDsOnly) //All Logical drives or Harddisks only
    	DWORD DriveList = GetLogicalDrives();
    	if (HDsOnly)
    		char DriveCheck[4] = "*:\\";
    		for (int a = 0; a < 26; a++)
    			if (BitTrue(DriveList, a)) 
    				DriveCheck[0]= 'a'+a;
    				UnDefBit(DriveList, a);
    				if (GetDriveType(DriveCheck)==3) DefBit(DriveList, a); //Check if it's a HD
    	return DriveList;
    DWORD DrivesFromArgs(int argc, char *argv[]) //Drives from arguments
    	DWORD DriveList = 0;
    	char DrivesString[26];
    	for (int a = 1; a < argc; a++) //Get DrivesString from arguments
    			if (argv[a][0] == '/' && argv[a][1] == 'd')
    					strcpy(DrivesString, argv[a + 1]);
    	for (a = 0; a < 26; a++) //Create DriveList from DrivesString[]
    			if (DrivesString[a] >= 'a' && DrivesString[a] <= 'z') DefBit(DriveList, DrivesString[a] - 'a');
    			else break;
    	return DriveList;
    DWORD Options(int argc, char *argv[]) //Get Options from arguments
    	DWORD Flags=0;
    	for(int a = 1; a < argc; a++)
    		if (argv[a][0] == '/')
    			switch (argv[a][1])
    					case 'c': DefBit(Flags, 0); break; //Create DB
    					case 'v': DefBit(Flags, 1); break; //Verbose mode
    					case 'd': DefBit(Flags, 2); break; //Specified drives in args
    					case 'a': DefBit(Flags, 3); break; //All logical drives
    	return Flags;
    void Say(int LineNum, int a=0, DWORD Flags=0) //Output a line
    	int b = 0;
    	switch (LineNum) //will always be said
    		case 0: cout << "Start of program" << endl; return;
    		case 1: cout << "End of program" << endl; return;
    	if (BitTrue(OptionFlags, 1)) //will only be said in verbose mode
    		switch (LineNum)
    			case 100: cout << a << " arguments: "; for(;b < 10;b++) cout << BitTrue(Flags, b); cout << endl; return;
    			case 101: cout << "Creating database" << endl; return;
    			case 102: cout << "Drives to index: "; for(;b < 26;b++) cout << BitTrue(Flags, b); cout << endl; return;
    void CreateDatabase(int argc, char *argv[]) //Creates a database
    	DWORD DrivesToIndex;
    	if (BitTrue(OptionFlags, 2)) DrivesToIndex = DrivesFromArgs(argc, argv); //Get drives from arguments
    	else if (BitTrue(OptionFlags, 3)) DrivesToIndex = LogicDrives(false); //Do All logic drives
    	else DrivesToIndex = LogicDrives(true); //Do all HDs
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) //main
    	OptionFlags = Options(argc, argv); //get options
    	Say(100, argc-1, OptionFlags);
    	if (BitTrue(OptionFlags, 0)) CreateDatabase(argc, argv);
    	return 0;
    Thanks for the help!

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Add another function

    inline DWORD Bit(pos) { return 1ul << pos; }                // A bit in the right pos
    inline bool BitTrue(DWORD a, DWORD b) { return (a & Bit(b)) != 0; } //Is bit 1?
    inline void DefBit(DWORD &a, DWORD b) { a |= Bit(b); }      //define bit
    inline void UnDefBit(DWORD &a, DWORD b) { a &= ~Bit(b); }   //undefine bit
    > Someone told me that I should use a DWORD for storing rows of bits. Why should I use a DWORD instead of a long int?
    Except DWORD is currently specified in windows.h (which not everyone has)

    Besides, its a rather generic type. You would be better with say
    typedef unsigned long bits_t;
    Which conveys a bit more meaning for what is going on, and is more portable to other platforms.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Dec 2003
    Man I feel stupid about my way of writing down a &= ~Bit(b)


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