I am having a problem porting some windows code to Linux and having that "press any key to continue" thingee, I have tried every scrap of code in your FAQ regarding this issue, and they all work in their own programs, when I try to add it to my code though, it doesn't work, I have tried both Xterm and the console with same results.
std::cout << "\n		Enter Choice: ";

		std::cin >> choice;

          case 'i':
               system ("clear");
               std::cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n            Program has been set to defaults.";
           //    std::cout << "\n                     Press any key to continue." <<std::endl;
             //       getch();
The getch() above is using the termios method from your FAQ, I have tried all portable methods, and nothing works. Any help would be great!