Thanks for the reply lyx, I don't know what I'd do without you It seems you've replied to almost every thread I've posted lately, thanks

I know I should learn pointers properly.. I think I'm getting there but I don't trust my knowledge of them 100% to use them in a project, thats why I'd prefer something like auto_ptr. Being self taught and limited access to proper books makes it hard to teach myself something complicated, although its the highest thing on my priority list when I get some formal classes (like going to uni).

Now I have a question. When passing an auto_ptr to a function is there any differences? Say I have something like this:


int FunctionThatManipulatesSomething(SOMETHING * Something);
Where normally I would call FunctionThatManipulatesSomething with an address of a local SOMETHING instance so that FunctionThatManipulatesSomething can manipulate it. Would I have to change anything there?