in main I have

Menu *ptrBaseMenu = new MainMenu(library);

but this gives me the following error:
ain.cpp: In function `int main(int, char**)':

main.cpp:37: cannot allocate an object of type `MainMenu'
main.cpp:37: because the following virtual functions are abstract:
menu.h:12: virtual void Menu::process_option(int) const

but its not abstract here is my header file with the ovriden function from a pure virtual function of the abstract class menu
#ifndef MAINMENU_H
#define MAINMENU_H
#include <map>
using std::map;
#include "book.h"
#include "menu.h"

class MainMenu:public Menu{
        MainMenu(map<string,Book> &);
        virtual void display_menu() const;
        virtual bool validate_option(int) const;
        virtual void process_option(int);
        void display_library(map<string,Book> *);   
        map<string,Book> *ptrLibrary;