i am trying to get the hang of passing return values from function to function.
in the following code:


#include <vcl.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#pragma hdrstop


#pragma argsused
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int func(int);
int funcb(int b, int a);
int a;
int b;

//send this input to other functions
cout << "Enter a number: ";
cin >>a;
cout << "Enter another number: ";
cin >> b;

//get this back from func
cout << "func = " <<func(a)<<"\n": //value from func
cout << "a = " <<a<<"\n"; //what is a right here

//mess value returned from func
cout << "Multiply a*func(a)= " <<a*func(a)<<"\n":

//get this back from funcb
cout<< "funcb returned: " << funcb(a,b);

getchar(); //stop window from closing
return 0;

int func (int a)
return a/2; //so i can tell something happened

int funcb (int b, int a) //how do i pass int(a) returned from
// func to funcb
return a*b; //so i can tell something happened

The original value for a -- cin >> a; -- is passed to funcb.
I expected the value returned from func to change the value of a in main and pass the altered value to funcb.
Does this need to be a pointer or the like.
The header file pragma... stuff and int main(int....) stuff is automatically included in Borlands new console stuff - and is a bit over my head i might add.

thanks ITLD