Hello all, I'm having a lot of trouble with extracting individual words from an array of words. First I input a file into an array, and then I'm trying to extract each word into a seperate cstring, I can do it if the number of words is given, but if not then I'm drawing a blank. But, lets say that I know that maximum number of words is 25, what then?

this is what I have so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

const int SIZE = 81;
const int MAX_WORDS = 25;

int main()

	ifstream inStream;
	//ofstream outStream;
	if ( inStream.fail() ) {
      cout << "Input file opening for darwin.txt failed.  Exiting...\n\n";
	char theWords[MAX_WORDS][SIZE];
	int wordRow = 0;
	int count = 0;         
                int i;
	int numberOfWords=0;
	char j; 
	char *pWord;
	char word[SIZE/2][SIZE];
	int c=0;
	while ( inStream >> theWords[wordRow]) 
    ............and here I'm drawing a blank

	return 0;
should I test if the an element of theWords array is a blank space " ", but then how could I account for punctuation? I know I don't have much done this time, but any suggestions would be much appreciated,

