Thread: New-Coder needing suggestions

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    Jan 2003

    New-Coder needing suggestions

    Ok, Im not going to pretend to know I know that much C++ compared to most things I have read on this site. I am taking a highschool class in c++ and basically I thought it was way too simple and I actually want to learn something. OK, so I made this code for a base converter, and right now its working with bases 2-36. However, I'm pretty sure I must've wasted alot of time with some things. Anyone who wishes to can make suggestions on how to make it better. I've taken the class for about 5 weeks and am like a year ahead of the class so I hope this isn't that bad. If you think it sucks just say so, any constructive critisism helps. Thanks.

    #include<conio.h>                //Includes are from my Start.cpp
    #define MAX 20   //I Need a better way to do this
    class Base    //First real time using classes, trying it out   
    	long int real;
    	char fake;
    long int power(int x, int y); // Since I don't know an exponent function
    void clear (int x, Base y []); // Clean-Up arrays
        int base1;
        int base2;
        Base num1[MAX];
        Base num2[MAX];
        int y = MAX;
        int flag = 0;
        clear (MAX, num1);
        clear (MAX, num2);
        cout << "\nEnter Number to be converted: " << endl << endl;
        for (int x=0;x<=MAX; x++)      // Asks for number in an array
    	if (x == MAX)
    	num1[x].real = getche();
    	if (num1[x].real == 13)
    	    num1[x].real = 0;
    	else if ((num1[x].real >=48) && (num1[x].real <=57))
    	   num1[x].real -= 48;
    	else if ((num1[x].real >=65) && (num1[x].real <=90))
    	   num1[x].real -= 55;
         // Was there an easier way to do that?
        cout << endl << endl << "Enter base of that number: ";
        cin >> base1;
        cout << endl << "Enter base to be converted to: ";
        cin >> base2;
        int w = x;
        for (x; x >= 0; x-- )     // This loop does oldbase->base10->newbase
    	num2[0].real += num1[x].real * power(w-x, base1);
    	for (y=0, num2[y].real; num2[y].real >= base2; y++)
    	    num2[y+1].real += num2[y].real / base2;
    	    num2[y].real %= base2;
        cout << "\nYour new number is: ";
        if (base2 <= 10)
    	for (y=MAX;y>0;y--)
    	    if ((flag == 0) && (num2[y-1].real != 0))
    		flag = 1;
    	    if (flag==1)
    		cout << num2[y-1].real;
        else if (base2 > 10)
    	for (y=MAX;y>0;y--)
    	    if (num2[y-1].real >= 10)
    		num2[y-1].fake = 55 + num2[y-1].real;
    	for (y=MAX;y>0;y--)
    	    if ((flag == 0) && (num2[y-1].real != 0))
    		flag = 1;
    	    if (flag==1)
    		if (num2[y-1].real < 10)
    		    cout << num2[y-1].real;
    		else if (num2[y-1].real >= 10)
    		    cout << num2[y-1].fake;
        return 0;
    void clear (int x, Base y [])
        for (x; x>=0; x--)
    	y[x].real = 0;
    long int power (int x , int y)
        if (x == 0)
    	return 1;
    	return ( y * power(x-1, y));
    P.S i hope those tags worked =\
    Last edited by BakAttack; 01-16-2003 at 01:05 AM.

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