I'm trying to work on a project that deals with Fibonacci numbers, but the recursive function for fibonacci is void so I can't figure out how to work it. I have to add the code in the if/else statements in the function fibonacci.

This is the code:

class fibon
{  unsigned int prev1,    // f(n-1)
		prev2;    // f(n-2)
   void fibonacci(unsigned int month);

void fibon::fibonacci(unsigned int month)
{ unsigned int fib;

  if (month == 0)
  else if (month == 1)
  *xout << setw(13) << month << setw(16) << fib << endl;
  if (xout == &sout && month == 22)  // Stop scrolling.
  {  cout << "Press enter to continue.";
} }
Is this possible, if so, can you just point me in the right direction.