Hi all,
I am just starting to learn on how to program in C++. On top of that I am trying to learn on my own (no classes) „²(Pun). So please be patience with me.
Below is a small snip-it from my program.

cout<<"How Long are you takeing this loan out for?"<<endl // QUESTION #1
<<"(in Years. Defalt is 1 and Max is 40)."<<endl;
if (T<0 || T>40)
{ T=T; };
cout<<"How offten are your payments?"<<endl // QUESTION #2
<<"1) Monthly "<<endl

What I want it to do is:
1. ask question 1. (DOES)
a. if T (Question1) is greater than 40 or less than 0. T defaults to 1. (DOES).
2. ask question 2. (DOES)
a. Get answer to Question 2.
i. It Does NOT, it goes automatically to the default for question 2.

My problem is how do I get it to ask question 2 and wait for the answer with out going to the default?
Please give me a hint on what I have to use. Not just the answer.. I would like to try and figure it out myself.

Again thank you for all you help.