I'm writing a program that find solutions to the 8-puzzle game

I need to make a hash table that has 2 operations

member(node *) which takes a pointer to a node and determines if the board in the node is equal

// member method to see if a value is in the table
// I'm not sure how to adapy this code
int hashtable::HLookup(int value){

// get the index
int index = hash(value);

// get the location in the table
node *p = table[index];

// p is the head of a linked list, so now we need to
//scan the link list to find the value
int found = 0;

while(p != NULL)
// see if the current element matches
if(p->value == value)
found = true;

// go to next element
else p = p->next;

return found;


insert (node *) which puts a new node in the hash table

// insert method
//not sure how to use a pointer here
void hashtable::HInsert (int value){
node *p = table [hash(value)];

if (p==NULL){
table [hash(value)] = new node;
table [hash (value)]->value = value;

else {
while (p->next !=NULL){
p = p->next;
p->next = new node;