Originally posted by Kyoto Oshiro
I always use <conio.h> and their textcolor, although it may not work for you...
You have to do a clrscr(); afterwards to have the changes take effect. That means that only 1 color on the screen at a time, there is a way to do it with more than 1 color, I am sure if you keep posting someone will give you the code.
Anyhow, look through conio.h for all of the colors that you can use, and I think you must always type them in capitals.
RED, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW, LIGHTCYAN, stuff like that, check out conio.h

Hope that helps. And if I am way off topic (as usual), just ignore me (as usual )
What's the difference between clrscr() and system("CLS") ?? And what header file does the 1st one require?