Hi... just making the move from C to C++. Would appreciate an answer to the following question...

I want to overload an operator so that it will join strings and assign the result to another object. I can get these to work, but only if my assignment looks like this:

strtype obj5 = ob1 + ob2; // automatically calls copy constructor

What I really want to do is this:
strtype ob1, ob2, ob5;
obj5 = obj1 + obj2; // crashes; prob. does't call copy constructor.

Here's my code... please take a look. Thanks. I use Dev C++.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

class strtype {
char *s;
strtype( const strtype & ); // copy constructor
strtype() { s = new char; s = '\0'; }
strtype( char * );
~strtype() { cout << "destructing...\n"; }
friend strtype operator+( strtype &, strtype & );
void print_string() { cout << "string: " << s << "\n"; }

strtype::strtype( const strtype &obj ) // copy constructor

int len;

len = strlen(obj.s);

s = new char [len];

strcpy(s, obj.s);


strtype::strtype( char *string )

int len;

len = strlen(string);
s = new char [len];

if( !s ) {
cout << "Allocation Error\n";

strcpy(s, string);


strtype operator+( strtype &string1, strtype &string2 )

int len1, len2;
strtype temp;

len1 = strlen(string1.s);
len2 = strlen(string2.s);

temp.s = new char [len1 + len2];

if( !temp.s )

temp.s = strcat(string1.s, string2.s);

return temp;


int main()

strtype ob1("string1");
strtype ob2("zebra2");

strtype ob5 = ob1 + ob2; // invokes copy constructor


return 0;
