How best to write this code? The goal - learning improvement.

#include <windows.h>

#define STRLEN(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(TCHAR) - 1)
const TCHAR szMsg[] = L"What's your name?\n";

void ChangeTextColor(HANDLE hSomeHandle) {
  INT nArgs = 0;
  LPWSTR lpCommandLine = GetCommandLine();
  LPWSTR* lpArgs = CommandLineToArgvW(lpCommandLine, &nArgs);
  if(nArgs >= 2 && 0 == lstrcmpi(lpArgs[1], L"green")) {
    SetConsoleTextAttribute(hSomeHandle, FOREGROUND_GREEN);

int main() {
  HANDLE hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
  HANDLE hStdin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
  TCHAR szName[16];
  TCHAR szResp[32];
  DWORD dwCount = 0;


  WriteConsole(hStdout, &szMsg, STRLEN(szMsg), &dwCount, NULL);
  ReadConsole(hStdin, &szName, STRLEN(szName), &dwCount, NULL);

  if(dwCount >= 2 &&
    '\n' == szName[dwCount-1] &&
    '\r' == szName[dwCount-2]) {
    szName[dwCount-2] = '\0';
  } else if(dwCount > 0) {
    szName [dwCount]= '\0';

  wsprintf(szResp, L"Hello, %s!\n", szName);
  WriteConsole(hStdout, &szResp, lstrlen(szResp), &dwCount, NULL);


C: \ API \ Hello \ Hello.cpp | 4 | error: character array initialization string of wide characters |
C: \ API \ Hello \ Hello.cpp | 8 | error: cannot convert «LPSTR {aka char *}» to «LPWSTR {aka wchar_t *}» in initialization |
C: \ API \ Hello \ Hello.cpp | 10 | error: cannot convert «LPWSTR {aka wchar_t *}» to «LPCSTR {aka const char *}» for argument «1» to «int lstrcmpiA (LPCSTR, LPCSTR)» |
C: \ API \ Hello \ Hello.cpp | 36 | error: cannot convert «const wchar_t *» to «LPCSTR {aka const char *}» for argument «2» to «int wsprintfA (LPSTR, LPCSTR, ...) »|
|| === Build failed: 4 error (s), 0 warning (s) (0 minute (s), 3 second (s)) === |