I just cannot seem to find why this weird behaviour.

template<unsigned int N>
class Test
	template<unsigned int Row, unsigned int Col>
	struct PropagatorLoop
		void operator () () //(me_t& parent)
			//Gecode::when(parent, parent.m_Board(Col, Row), reinterpret_cast<void (*)(Gecode::Space&)>(&XNQueens::Propagator<Row, Col>), nullptr, Gecode::ICL_DEF);
			PropagatorLoop<Row, Col + 1>()(/*parent*/);

	template<unsigned int Row> 
	struct PropagatorLoop<Row, N>
		void operator () ()// (me_t& parent)
			std::cout << N;
			PropagatorLoop<Row + 1, 0>()(/*parent*/);

	struct PropagatorLoop<N, N>
		void operator () ()// (me_t& parent)

	Test() { PropagatorLoop<0, 0>()(); }

int main()
When calling PropagatorLoop<0, 0>()(),

template<unsigned int Row>
struct PropagatorLoop<Row, N>

matches instead of

template<unsigned int Row, unsigned int Col>
struct PropagatorLoop

I just cannot understand why (clearly, we are calling <0, 0>, not <0, 8>). If I replace "N" with 8, it works as expected (at least for the beginning of the loop).
I only tested on MSVC. Anyone have any insight into this behaviour?