Hello, I am trying to do a string copy in C++. I have gotten the first one in my code to work, but the next one that accesses my classes does not work. The string compares however do.

void Phonebook::delFriend(int * index, Phonebook * pb){
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    string fn;
    string ln;
    char buffer[20];
    string str ("Test...");

    str.copy(buffer, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);


    cout<<"Firstname: ";
    cout<<"Lastname: ";
    cout<<"...Friend deleted\n";

    for(i = 0; i < * index; i++){
         if((fn.compare(pb[i].get_firstName(i)) ==0) && (ln.compare(pb[i].get_lastName(i)) ==0)){
            for(j = 0; j < *index; j++){
                pb[j+1].get_firstName(j+1).copy(pb[j].get_firstName(j), MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
                //strcpy(pb[j].lastName, pb[j+1].lastName);
                //strcpy(pb[j].homeNumber, pb[j+1].homeNumber);
                //strcpy(pb[j].cellNumber, pb[j+1].cellNumber);

   *index -= 1;