Quote Originally Posted by manasij7479
Not totally sure..(you have to explain better);
but you're probably thinking about Asynchronous Input handling, which I'm not sure if possible with standard C++.
(I tried with threads and it turned messy... probably due to my inexperience with concurrent programming.
What I did was, checking in a main loop to see if a console input thread has completed, and doing the necessary stuff and relaunching the thread, if so.)
Or you could take the easy way and just use line buffered standard blocking input, if you can structure it in that way.
I meant a hotkey, like HotKeySet in AutoIt

Quote Originally Posted by grumpy View Post
The functions described by oogabooga are specific to particular compilers.

In standard C++, it is not possible. It is necessary to read documentation for your host system (windows, linux, etc) and also your particular compiler and library, to see if they support such functions. The names of such functions and associated header files, if they exist for a particular implementation, are often specific to that implementation.
But MS Visual Studio has the most potential of having those non-standard functions and librarys?(In case I need to use non-standard in future)

Seems like I have to check if key is pressed by myself, I tought there would be a function for it.