This simple program does not expand the inline functions. After the code there is a listing of masm and source code showing its not inlining. Rather it calling the function doin' the whole epilog then function then prolog rather than expanding the code in place. I've tried without the inline specifier which defaults to inline when defined in the class (which it is).

#include "stdafx.h"

class tstring

	long m_nTStringLength;


	inline tstring( int nLength = 100 ) : m_nTStringLength( nLength )
	{	}

	inline int GetTString( )
		return m_nTStringLength;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

	tstring t1;

	long i = t1.GetTString( );

	return 0;


	TITLE	C:\Practice\tstringTest\tstringTest.cpp
PUBLIC	??0tstring@@QAE@H@Z				; tstring::tstring
PUBLIC	?GetTString@tstring@@QAEHXZ			; tstring::GetTString
PUBLIC	_main
EXTRN	__chkesp:NEAR
;	COMDAT _main
_t1$ = -4
_i$ = -8
_main	PROC NEAR					; COMDAT

; 26   : {

	push	ebp
	mov	ebp, esp
	sub	esp, 72					; 00000048H
	push	ebx
	push	esi
	push	edi
	lea	edi, DWORD PTR [ebp-72]
	mov	ecx, 18					; 00000012H
	mov	eax, -858993460				; ccccccccH
	rep stosd

; 27   : 
; 28   : 	tstring t1;

	push	100					; 00000064H
	lea	ecx, DWORD PTR _t1$[ebp]
	call	??0tstring@@QAE@H@Z			; tstring::tstring

; 29   : 
; 30   : 	long i = t1.GetTString( );

	lea	ecx, DWORD PTR _t1$[ebp]
	call	?GetTString@tstring@@QAEHXZ		; tstring::GetTString
	mov	DWORD PTR _i$[ebp], eax

; 31   : 
; 32   : 	return 0;

	xor	eax, eax

; 33   : 
; 34   : }

	pop	edi
	pop	esi
	pop	ebx
	add	esp, 72					; 00000048H
	cmp	ebp, esp
	call	__chkesp
	mov	esp, ebp
	pop	ebp
	ret	0
_main	ENDP
;	COMDAT ??0tstring@@QAE@H@Z
_nLength$ = 8
_this$ = -4
??0tstring@@QAE@H@Z PROC NEAR				; tstring::tstring, COMDAT

; 17   : 	{	}

	push	ebp
	mov	ebp, esp
	sub	esp, 68					; 00000044H
	push	ebx
	push	esi
	push	edi
	push	ecx
	lea	edi, DWORD PTR [ebp-68]
	mov	ecx, 17					; 00000011H
	mov	eax, -858993460				; ccccccccH
	rep stosd
	pop	ecx
	mov	DWORD PTR _this$[ebp], ecx
	mov	eax, DWORD PTR _this$[ebp]
	mov	ecx, DWORD PTR _nLength$[ebp]
	mov	DWORD PTR [eax], ecx
	mov	eax, DWORD PTR _this$[ebp]
	pop	edi
	pop	esi
	pop	ebx
	mov	esp, ebp
	pop	ebp
	ret	4
??0tstring@@QAE@H@Z ENDP				; tstring::tstring
;	COMDAT ?GetTString@tstring@@QAEHXZ
_this$ = -4
?GetTString@tstring@@QAEHXZ PROC NEAR			; tstring::GetTString, COMDAT

; 20   : 	{

	push	ebp
	mov	ebp, esp
	sub	esp, 68					; 00000044H
	push	ebx
	push	esi
	push	edi
	push	ecx
	lea	edi, DWORD PTR [ebp-68]
	mov	ecx, 17					; 00000011H
	mov	eax, -858993460				; ccccccccH
	rep stosd
	pop	ecx
	mov	DWORD PTR _this$[ebp], ecx

; 21   : 		return m_nTStringLength;

	mov	eax, DWORD PTR _this$[ebp]
	mov	eax, DWORD PTR [eax]

; 22   : 	}

	pop	edi
	pop	esi
	pop	ebx
	mov	esp, ebp
	pop	ebp
	ret	0
?GetTString@tstring@@QAEHXZ ENDP			; tstring::GetTString
