I have just started to find the need to create cmd line batch files and I want to convert them to an .exe file for security reasons. I don't want to use a ".bat to .exe" converter because I would rather learn how to rewrite batch files in C++ myself.

The batch file I am using tells DriveImage XML to start under the schedualed tasks (Windows), where to place the backup file, add a date to the file name and has the required switches at the end.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Runtime Software\DriveImage XML\dixml.exe" /bc /t"D:\Backup\DIXML %date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10%" /r- /s- /c2 /v
As I said before, I want to learn how to do this myself. Unfortunately, google did not come up with favorable results when I searched for an answer. I want to say that most of the results either were ads for ".bat to .exe" type programs or people asking how to run multiple .bat files within (insert programming language).

Is there a specific book or topic that covers this particular subject at hand (rewriting batch files for C++)?
