I need help rerunning the program from the very beginning and I can't figure out what I am doing wrong...

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()

// Declare variables: counter, items, sales items, sales total, sales tax, and grand total
float items = 0;
float count = 0;
float price = 0;
float total = 0;
float percent;
float g_t;
float tax;
char rerun;
// Input information
        cout<<"How many sales items do you have? :";

                do //The do-while for a program rerun option
                        while (count < items)
                                cout<<"Enter the value of the sales item. : $";
                                total = total + price;
                                count ++;
        cout << endl << endl;

        cout<<"Enter in the sales tax percentage. :";
                tax = total * (percent/100);
                g_t = tax + total;
        cout << endl << endl;
        cout << "********************************************" << endl;
        cout << "********  S A L E S  R E C E I P T  ********" << endl;
        cout << "********************************************" << endl;
        cout << "**                                        **" << endl;
        cout << "**                                        **" << endl;
        cout << "**                                        **" << endl;
        cout << "**                                        **" << endl;
        cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2);
        cout << "**  Total Sales:    $" << setw(9) << total << "            **" << endl;
        cout << "**  Sales Tax:      $" << setw(9) << tax << "            **" << endl;
        cout << "**                  -----------           **" << endl;
        cout << "**  Grand Total:    $" << setw(9) << g_t << "            **" << endl;
        cout << "**                                        **" << endl;
        cout << "**                                        **" << endl;
        cout << "********************************************" << endl;
        cout << endl << endl;

                cout<<"Do you want to run this program again? (y/n)";
        while (rerun == 'y' || rerun == 'Y');

        return 0;
} //End Main Function
I've managed to look back but I need it to loop back to the beginning where it asks to input the number of items again.

In addition, I want to be able to display the sales items and their prices in the sales receipt as well.

Really appreciate the help! THANKS!