i have a question about constant variable in c/c++.The following is my code:

int main()
        const int a = 10;
        int * p = (int*)&a;
        *p = 11;

        printf("the address of p = %p\n",p);
        printf("the address of a = %p\n",&a);
        printf("value of  a  =  %d\n",a);
        printf("value of *p = %d\n",*p);

        return 0;
And the output is :

the address of p = 0xbfecca1c
the address of a = 0xbfecca1c
value of  a  =  10
value of *p = 11
I don't know why variable "a" and "p" have the same address but their value are different?