Hi all,

So basically I applied to a consultancy job in which they then requested for more information on my procedural programming in c++ ...

One week later I sent them the document in which they then rejected my application ...?

The man said his MD looked over it and it wasn't close to what he required ...

The problem is that we didn't concentrate on procedural programming in uni, just on OOP in which I am really good in ....

The procedural program i explained to them was about the manipulation of linked list which I thought would show my strong abilities in programming but apparently it didn't even though my teacher said manipulation of linked lists is a really complex task in procedural programming.

The man said re-apply in a couple of months so I was thinking what program can I work on from scratch that will enable me to show my full programming ability or do I just try and re-write the document I sent them if they ask for more information again?