I'm new to Allegro, but I thought I knew enough to make a Pong game. From what I can see, I've made a perfectly fine one, that's very basic of course. The thing is, my collision detection system doesn't seem to work right...

#include <allegro.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

void Check_Null(BITMAP* Picture, string Type, string Error);
int Get_Rand(void);

int main(void){
    cout << "This is a Pong game by Lorgon Jortle. Mar 31, 2009.\n";

	set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 640, 480, 0, 0);

    /**Declare variables**/

    BITMAP* buffer = NULL;
    BITMAP* player1 = NULL;
    BITMAP* player2 = NULL;
    BITMAP* ball = NULL;

    int player1_x, player1_y, player2_x, player2_y;
	int player1_score, player2_score;
    int ball_x, ball_y;
    int ball_speed, ball_direction; //Ball direction 1 = left, 2 = left up, 3 = left down, 4 = right, 5 = right up, 6 = right down

    int player1_bb_bottom, player1_bb_right, player1_bb_top, player1_bb_left;
	int player2_bb_bottom, player2_bb_left, player2_bb_top, player2_bb_right; //The lines on the side of the paddle to check for collisions
	int ball_bb_top, ball_bb_right, ball_bb_left, ball_bb_bottom;

    bool Collision = false;
	bool Show_Box = false; //For error testing with collision

    /**Assign variables**/

    buffer = create_bitmap(640, 480);
    Check_Null(buffer, "buffer", "buffer failed to load.");

    player1 = load_bitmap("player1.bmp", NULL);
    Check_Null(player1, "player1.bmp", "player1.bmp failed to load.");

    player2 = load_bitmap("player2.bmp", NULL);
    Check_Null(player2, "player2.bmp", "player2.bmp failed to load.");

    ball = load_bitmap("ball.bmp", NULL);
    Check_Null(ball, "ball.bmp", "ball.bmp failed to load.");
    player1_x = 0;
    player1_y = 240;
    player2_x = 630;
    player2_y = 240;
	ball_x = 300;
	ball_y = 300;
	player1_score = 0;
	player2_score = 0;
    player1_bb_bottom = (player1_y + player1->h);
    player1_bb_right = (player1_x + player1->w);
    player1_bb_left = player1_x;
	player1_bb_top = player1_y;
    player2_bb_bottom = (player2_y + player2->h);
    player2_bb_left = player2_x;
	player2_bb_top = player2_y;
	player2_bb_right = (player2_x + player2->w);
	ball_bb_left = ball_x;
	ball_bb_bottom = (ball_y + ball->h);
	ball_bb_top = ball_y;
	ball_bb_right = (ball_x + ball->w);

    ball_speed = 1;
	ball_direction = Get_Rand();

        //Draw the ball 1 = left, 2 = left up, 3 = left down, 4 = right, 5 = right up, 6 = right down
		if(ball_direction == 0){
			ball_x = ball_y = 300;
		if(ball_direction == 1){
			ball_x -= ball_speed;
		if(ball_direction == 2){
			ball_x -= ball_speed;
			ball_y -= ball_speed;
		if(ball_direction == 3){
			ball_x -= ball_speed;
			ball_y += ball_speed;
		if(ball_direction == 4){
			ball_x += ball_speed;
		if(ball_direction == 5){
			ball_x += ball_speed;
			ball_y -= ball_speed;
		if(ball_direction == 6){
			ball_x += ball_speed;
			ball_y += ball_speed;
		draw_sprite(buffer, ball, ball_x, ball_y);

        //Accept input
			if(player2_y < 0){
				player2_y = 480;
            player2_y -= 3;
			if(player2_y > 480){
				player2_y = 0;
            player2_y += 3;
			if(player1_y < 0){
				player1_y = 480;
            player1_y -= 3;
			if(player1_y > 480){
				player1_y = 0;
            player1_y += 3;
			Show_Box = true;
		else if (!key[KEY_SPACE]){
			Show_Box = false;
			ball_x = ball_y = 300;
			ball_direction = Get_Rand();


		//Update bounding boxes
		player1_bb_bottom = (player1_y + player1->h);
		player1_bb_right = (player1_x + player1->w);
		player2_bb_bottom = (player2_y + player2->h);
		player2_bb_left = player2_x;
		ball_bb_left = ball_x;
		ball_bb_bottom = (ball_y + ball->h);
		ball_bb_top = ball_y;
		ball_bb_right = (ball_x + ball->w);
		//Draw players and ball
	    draw_sprite(buffer, player1, player1_x, player1_y);
        draw_sprite(buffer, player2, player2_x, player2_y);
        draw_sprite(buffer, ball, ball_x, ball_y);
		if(Show_Box == true){
			line(buffer, player1_bb_right, player1_y, player1_bb_right, player1_bb_bottom, makecol(255, 0, 0)); //Player1
			line(buffer, player2_bb_left, player2_y, player2_bb_left, player2_bb_bottom, makecol(255, 0, 0)); //Player2
			line(buffer, ball_bb_right, ball_y, ball_bb_right, ball_bb_bottom, makecol(255, 0, 0)); //Player1
			line(buffer, ball_bb_left, ball_y, ball_bb_left, ball_bb_bottom, makecol(255, 0, 0));
		/**Collision testing**/
		Collision = false;
		if((ball_y - 25) >= (player2_y - 50) && ball_y <= player2_y){
			if(ball_bb_right >= player2_bb_left){
				Collision = true;
		else if((ball_y - 25) >= (player1_y - 25) && ball_y <= player1_y){
			if(ball_x <= player1_bb_right){
				Collision = true;
		if(Collision == true){
			if(ball_direction >= 4){
				ball_direction = 1;
			else if(ball_direction <= 3){
				ball_direction = 4;
		/**Collision with top and bottom**/ //1 = left, 2 = left up, 3 = left down, 4 = right, 5 = right up, 6 = right down
		if(ball_y >= 430){
			if(ball_direction == 6){
				ball_direction = 5;
			if(ball_direction == 3){
				ball_direction = 2;
		if(ball_y <= 0){
			if(ball_direction == 2){
				ball_direction == 3;
			if(ball_direction == 5){
				ball_direction = 6;
	/**Check for win**/
	if(ball_x > 640){
		player1_score += 1;
		ball_x = ball_y = 300;
		ball_direction = Get_Rand();
	if(ball_x < 0){
		player2_score += 1;
		ball_x = ball_y = 300;
		ball_direction = Get_Rand();

	textprintf_ex(buffer, font, 10, 10, makecol(255, 100, 200), -1, "Position: %d, %d", ball_x, ball_y);
	textprintf_ex(buffer, font, 500, 10, makecol(255, 100, 200), -1, "Direction: %d", ball_direction);
	textprintf_ex(buffer, font, 10, 470, makecol(255, 100, 200), -1, "Score: %d", player1_score);
	textprintf_ex(buffer, font, 500, 470, makecol(255, 100, 200), -1, "Score: %d", player2_score);

        blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 640, 480);


    return 0;

void Check_Null(BITMAP* Picture, string Type, string Error){
    if(Picture == NULL){
        cout << "Error: " << Error << endl;
    else if(Picture != NULL){
        cout << Type << " loaded successfully.\n";

int Get_Rand(void){
	int goodness;
	goodness = (rand()%6) + 1;
	return goodness;
sometimes the ball changes direction like it's supposed to, but often times it doesn't. I've add the text at the top to show the variables when it's moving, and everything is as it should be... Player2 is the same image as player1, just rename it.