Okay, so I am making a text RPG, and for some reason the Player object makes this error:
player.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall PLAYER::SetAmo(int)" (?SetAmo@PLAYER@@QAEXH@Z)
C:\Documents and Settings\Glitch\Desktop\Games\Skets series\Skets in CRYSTAL BOND\Release\Skets in CRYSTAL BOND.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
I don't get it at all, does anyone know if they can help me, Player's code is:
//Player behavior

class PLAYER
		int level;
		int gems;	//Gems are money
		int exp;
			int atk;	//Attack
			int def;	//Defence
			int spd;	//Speed
			int hlt;	//Health
			int amo;	//Laser Energy
			int MaxHlt;		//Maxium Health
			int MaxAmo;		//Maxium Laser Energy

		void SetName(char* newname);
		void GetName();
			void SetGems(int newgems);
			void AddGems(int value);
			int GetGems();
		//Current Health and Laser Energy
			void SetHlt(int newhlt);	//Health
			void AddHlt(int value);
			int GetHlt();
			void SetAmo(int newAmo);		//Laser Energy
			void AddAmo(int value);
			int GetAmo();
			void SetAtk(int newatk);	//Attack
			int GetAtk();
			void SetDef(int newdef);	//Defence
			int GetDef();
			void SetSpd(int newspd);	//Speed
			int GetSpd();
			void SetExp(int newexp);	//Experience
			void AddExp(int addexp);
			int GetExp();
			void SetMaxHlt(int newMaxHlt);	//Max Health
			int GetMaxHlt();
			void SetMaxAmo(int newMaxAmo);	//Max Laser Energy
			int GetMaxAmo();
Thanks in advanced, no need to break the code down, I mainly want to know what error Visual C++ is giving me.