Hello, I am a average c/c++ programer.. actually you can consider me beginner and not average.. hmm i want to do a small project (im a CS student, n we have studied c/c++ and till now we made small programs like calculators and etc) nothing very special.. now i want to do a project and one of my friend told me that the project im trying to do is related to socket programming.. therefore id like to hear from u guys about it..

I want to develop a program in c/c++ which once executed will join the configured irc channel to a irc network and it will give auto msgs, like a AI .. a chatter bot.. ive done such things in TCL/eggdrops but i want to do it in c/c++ .. i just want to start with simple to learn how to connect it n some simple msgs before i advance in it.. i dont know where to start from, please give me some idea where can i start from and what compiler should i use for this project (im sure it wont be done in compilers like TC and etc :P

Thank you for reading, all replies are welcome