Consider the following selection statement where X is an integer test score between 0 and 100.

input X

if (0 <= X and X < 49)
output "you fail"

else if (50 <= X and X < 70)
output "your grade is" X
output "you did OK"

else if (70 <= X and X < 85)
output "your grade is" X
output "you did well"

else if (85 <= X and X < 100)
output "your grade is" X
output "you did great"

output "how did you do?"

The 3 questions are:

Give a set of values that will test the normal operation of this program segment.
Defend your choices.

Give a set of test values that will cause each of the branches to be executed.

Give a set of test values that test the abnormal operation of this program segment.

The first two seem to be askin g for the same thing, right? That would be a random #, say 40 that 0<=40<=49

not understanding what abnormal operation is. Is that like entering an invalid character and not a number? Is that what its askin for?

Am I at least close?

Thanks for your help!

Is that you in your avatar, by the way?