Quote Originally Posted by Masterx View Post
//version 0.1.0

/* Using Structure to hold data+Floppy disk stats
Original code :A Piece of COde that extracts floppy disk geometry information, 
its  been writen in pure C and has been tested and ran seccessfully under TC 3 ...
Added session:Floppy Disk Stat reader!, it is intended to show the floppy
-disk information rather than its FAT info or floppy geometry!
 Cod3r :Seyyed HOssein hasn pour in NOvember 12th 2007
//##################Define Session######################
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef short  int     WORD;
typedef int          DWORD;
//###################Main Session#######################
void profile_1(void);
//void FLOPPY_STATS(void);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <dos.h>

/* Functions should start with no leading spaces or tabs */
int main(void)
//###################Structure To hold data#############
/* Structures are not meant to be declared inside functions.
It should be OUTSIDE all functions, preferably at the beginning of your source file or in a header */
    BYTE jumpCode[3];
    BYTE oemName[8];
    WORD bytes_Sector;
    BYTE sec_Cluster;
    WORD size_Sector_Reserved;
    BYTE fatCount;
    WORD Max_Root_Entry;
    WORD Total_Sector_FS;
    BYTE Media_Type;
    WORD sectors_per_fat;
    WORD sectors_per_track;
    WORD total_Head_Count;
    DWORD no_Sectors_Before_Part;
    DWORD no_Sector_FS32;
    BYTE BIOS_13h_Drive_No;
    BYTE reserved;
    BYTE ext_Boot_Part_Signature;
    DWORD vol_Serial_Number;
    BYTE vol_Label_Name[11];
    BYTE FS_Type[8];
    BYTE boot_Code[448];
    WORD signature;
} fdi;

//###################Declaring variables#################
    /* Usually, it's best to keep things consistent. Don't use 3 spaces for indentation some 
        place and 4 spaces other places. Use one of those and stick with it. Myself, I prefer tabs. */
    int j,i,start,sector,bad_counter=0,sector_counter=0;
    char buf[512];
    sector =0;

//#################Reading From Floppy Disk #############
    /* All { and } should be on the same line. This tells us where a new block begins and 
        ends, so we can easily see what code belongs where.
	Further, all code inside a block should be indented another level, to tell us that this 
	code belongs to this block. */
    if (absread (0, 1, sector,&fdi)!=0)
	printf ("An Error Has Occurred!");
    /* Keep indentation consistent! */
    printf("Read Seccessfully !\n");

//################Printing The Infos on Consol##############

   printf("Floppy Disk Information: \n");
   printf("Assembly Instruction to jump to Boot code: 0x%x\n",
   fdi.jumpCode); /* Keep indentation consistent! */
   printf("OEM Name: %s\n",&fdi.oemName);
   printf("Bytes per sector: %d\n",fdi.bytes_Sector);
   printf("Sector per cluster: %d\n", fdi.sec_Cluster);
   printf("Size in sector for reserved area(Boot Sector): %d\n",
   fdi.size_Sector_Reserved); /* Keep indentation consistent! */
   printf("Number of FATs(File Allocation Table): %d\n",
   printf("Number of files for root directory: %d\n",
   printf("Number of Sectors in File System: %d\n",
   printf("Media Type\n(According to Microsoft,0xF8 == fixed disk and 0xF0 == Removable disk):0x%x\n", fdi.Media_Type);
   printf("Number of Sectors for each FAT: %d\n",
   printf("Sectors per track: %d\n", fdi.sectors_per_track);
   printf("Number of head in storage device: %d\n",
   printf("BIOS INT13h Drive number: 0x%x\n", fdi.BIOS_13h_Drive_No);
   printf("Volume Serial Number: %d\n", fdi.vol_Serial_Number);
   printf("Volume label Name: %s\n", fdi.vol_Label_Name);
   printf("Boot Sector Signature: 0x%x\n", fdi.signature);

//#######################FLP STATS#################

    /* Keep indentation consistent and every block must be indented one level and don't put
	those { and } just about anywhere - place them where they SHOULD be. At the same 
	level, at the same level as the block element (eg the for of the if, etc). */
	if (absread (0, 1,i,&fdi)!=0) //&fdi is a  memory buffer that we will use to hold data
	{ bad_counter++;}//number of bad sectors
		sector_counter++;//number of used sectors
//############declaring x and temp ###############
    unsigned long int x=fdi.bytes_Sector*fdi.Total_Sector_FS,y=fdi.bytes_Sector;
    unsigned long temp = (unsigned long)fdi.bytes_Sector * (unsigned long)fdi.Total_Sector_FS;

    printf("\n         ################## FLOPPY_STATS###############");

    printf("\n\nYour Floppy Disk Stats are as follows\n");

    printf("You have currently %ld Bytes on your Disk\n",x);

    printf("You have currently  %d Sectors of your disk space occupied\n",sector_counter);

    printf("You have currently %d bad sectors in YOur Floppy Disk\n",bad_counter);

    printf("Total used space on YOur Floppy disk is %d %% \n",(y*sector_counter)/100);

    printf("Total Free space on Your Floppy disk is %d %% \n",(x)-(y*sector_counter)/100);
    printf("\n\nX= %d %ul %i %li\n\n",x,x,x,x);
    printf("YOu have currently %ld Bytes on your disk",temp);

//###################End of Cods#############################

    printf("\n\n                 Programed By Seyyed Hossein Hasan Pour\n");
    printf("                         December 12th 2007 ");
    printf("\n                  http://www.codeguru.com/forum ");

     return 0;
} /* Should be at the same level as the function! */

//############This will pirnt the coder info ################

void profile_1(void)
    /* It's preferred not to place lines at the same line as the { since it makes it more 
	readable */
    int k;
    printf("In the name of God\n");
    printf("A S.Hossein hasan pour Project\n\n");
    printf ("This program will show you the information stored on sector 0 of the Floppy Disk\n\n                        
(FAT TABLE INFORMATION).\n\n\n              if you are ready press any key to continue ");
    for (k=0;k<=3;k++){
Lots of changes. Read comments in green, observe changes in red.
There's a reason we actually use indentation - because it's easier to read and it's easier to catch mistakes and because, frankly, I'd rather stare at a beautiful thing rather than an ugly thing for a lot of time. The nicer (the cleaner) the code looks, the better.

And even after all this - there's a very simple lesson or rule you can remember instead of remembering all these tips and suggestions: write the code so that it is as easy as possible to read. Look at the code, take a look at what looks messy, change it. Make it into art.