Thread: floating point error

  1. #1

    Question floating point error

    got some problems with inversing numbers. Everytime i compile and run, the floating point variable (inverse) gives a zero. Tried using different compilers and they give the same result. Any ideas?

    unsigned int k, x, factorial_x=1, sum=0;
    float inverse;

    for(k=5; k>=1; k--){
    for(x=k; x>=1; x--)
    factorial_x *= x;
    inverse= 1/factorial_x;
    factorial_x = 1;
    printf("%f", inverse);

  2. #2
    S­énior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    If you divide one integer by another, you'll get an integer as the result, regardless of the type of variable you're storing it in. Try -

    inverse= 1./factorial_x;

  3. #3
    Code Warrior
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Try this:

    # include <stdio.h>
    # include <conio.h>
    int main()
       int k, x;
       float inverse, factorial_x=1;
       for(k=5; k>=1; k--)
          for(x=k; x>=1; x--)
             factorial_x *= x;
             inverse      = 1 / factorial_x;
          factorial_x = 1;
          printf("%f\n", inverse);
       return 0;
    That's All!
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  4. #4
    just change a bit instead of chaanging whole program
    changed code is here:

    unsigned int k, x, factorial_x=1, sum=0;
    float inverse;

    for(k=5; k>=1; k--){
    for(x=k; x>=1; x--)
    factorial_x *= x;
    inverse= (float)1/(float)factorial_x;
    factorial_x = 1;
    printf("%f", inverse);

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