Quote Originally Posted by Nathalie View Post
vowels ++ means it will add +1 to the vowels integer, it seems?
Yes, that is correct.

And can I use something similar to your code for the a^b exercise? (For example for printing the result, or any variables that need to be declared?)
Abda92 posted an excellent code. Basically just multiply againt the same variable X number of times:
int num = 10;
// Let's do 10 ^ 5
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) num *= num;
Reads: While i < 5 (starting from 0), multiply num against num and store the result in num.

I hope I am not bothering you by all these questions, but everything you said so far has been really helpful already.
Not at all. That's why we're here - to help!