
I'm reading this programming book and it gives a sample code:
int get_maxpos(int x[], int eff_size)
  int i, maxpos = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < eff_size; i++)
    maxpos = x[i] > x[maxpos] ? i: maxpos;
  return maxpos;

I thought the book has made a mistake so i type the code into my compiler as:
int get_maxpos(int x[], int eff_size)
  int i, maxpos = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < eff_size; i++)
    maxpos = x[i] > x[maxpos] ? i: maxpos;

  return maxpos;
My correction turn out to be wrong since the results are different. Can you please explain to me what is the difference from having the bracket and not have a bracket?

Also, for this part: "maxpos = x[i] > x[maxpos] ? i: maxpos; " what does the "? i:" means?

Thank you