Hello All Forum Goers,
I am a programmer at an intermediate level. I am at the moment developing an application that is going to be used in a Bluetooth busy environment.

I am wondering if it is possible to narrow down what a BT Devices searches for in a Bluetooth busy environment.

Is it possible to distinguish BT enabled phone device from a BT enabled GPS when scanning (Discovering).

I have being investigating this myself and I have come across one possible solution of checking the Device Class Attribute and coupling this attribute with Bluetooth Assigned Numbers(https://programs.bluetooth.org/apps/...?doc_id=49709). I have found this code in java which is below but was wndering if this is possible with an non OO language i.e. C :,

public void deviceDiscovered(RemoteDevice btDevice, DeviceClass cod) {
System.out.println("Found device = " + btDevice.getBluetoothAddress());

         * Since service search takes time and we are already forced to
         * complete an inquiry, we will not do a service
         * search on any device that is not an Imaging device.
         * The device class of 0x600 is Imaging as
         * defined in the Bluetooth Assigned Numbers document.
//        if (cod.getMajorDeviceClass() == 0x600) {
             * Imaging devices could be a display, camera, scanner, or
             * printer. If the imaging device is a printer,
             * then bit 7 should be set from its minor device
             * class according to the Bluetooth Assigned
             * Numbers document.
//            if ((cod.getMinorDeviceClass() & 0x80) != 0) {
                 * Now we know that it is a printer.  Now we will verify that
                 * it has a rendering service on it.  A rendering service may
                 * allow us to print.  We will have to do a service search to
                 * get more information if a rendering service exists. If this
                 * device has a rendering service then bit 18 will be set in
                 * the major service classes.
//                if ((cod.getServiceClasses() & 0x40000) != 0) {
//                }
//            }
//        }
