
Currently im working on a largish CGI script in C, im wondering how I should go around things performance wise.

A large amount of the content is dynamic, should I... Load 'templates' from files/parse them and then add my values? Or run it as a big program outputting it along the way...

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
	printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n");
	printf(	"<html>\n"
		"<title>&#37;s</title>\n", "Dynamic title!");
Note the dynamic title... (as an eg), Or should I load a template from a file then parse it (what's best for performance? (I know this depends on how im parsing it)).

Also, including stdio.h just to read/write to stdin and stdout adds a lot of overhead to my program, Is there a way to reduce this overhead?

Thanks in advance!