Hey guys im making a clock program which displays the current time as a clock however say it 12 00 oclock it is suppose to print mH on the 12 its not printing in the correct spot.
Does anyone know why?

void displayClock2(int * optionStats)
   struct tm *ptr; 
   time_t lt;
   int i, j;
   int tm_hour;
   int hour; 
   int a;
   char str[80];
   char clock2[9][20] = { /* The array to hold the hard-coded clock */
        "        12         ",
        "   11        01    ",
        " 10            02  ",
        "                   ",
        "09      .       03 ",
        "                   ",
        " 08            04  ",
        "   07        05    ",
        "        06         "

   /* Row and column numbers in clock array for hour positions. For
   * example, the "06" in the clock display is stored at position
   * [8, 8] in the clock matrix (see above) */

   const int hr[13] = {0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 7, 6, 4, 2, 1, 0};
   const int hc[13] = {0, 13, 15, 16, 15, 13, 8, 3, 1, 0, 1, 3, 8};	
   /* Hour and minute codes */
   const char hs = 'H', ms = 'm';
   lt = time(NULL);
   ptr = localtime(&lt);
   strftime(str, 100, "%a %b %d %X %Z %Y", ptr); 
   /*hr = ptr -> tm_hour;*/

   /* copies ptr time struct into str string then 
   formats string to day month day of month time
   then time zone then year*/
   /* once the struct gets copied into our formatted string
   it can get printed out to the screen*/

   /* updating the system hour within the clock array*/
   strftime(hour, 100, "%I", ptr); 
   strftime(minutes, 100, "%M", ptr);
   hour = (int) strtod(*ptr, hour);
   hour = ptr->tm_hour %12;
   clock2[hr[hour]][hc[hour]+1] = hs;
   clock2[hr[hour]][hc[hour]] = hs;

   /* Round m to the nearest hour position */
   a = ptr->tm_min % 5;
   if( a >= 3)
     a = ptr->tm_min / 5 + 1;
     clock2[hr[a]][hc[a]] = hs;
     clock2[hr[a]][hc[a]+ 1] = hs;
     a = ptr->tm_min / 5;

   /*if the minutes are equal to a zero like 12 00 m should
     be placed onto 12*/
   if(ptr->tm_min == 0)
      ptr->tm_min =12;
   /*if minutes fall onto the 60 m should b placed on the 12*/
   if(ptr->tm_min ==60)
      ptr->tm_min = 12;
   /* displays the mh symbol when two hands coincide*/
   clock2[hr[a]][hc[a]] = ms;
   clock2[hr[a]][hc[a]+ 1] = hs;

   clock2[hr[hour]][hc[hour]] = hs;
   clock2[hr[hour]][hc[hour]+ 1] = hs;*/
   /* Display the clock */
    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 19; j++)
    	    printf("%c", clock2[i][j]);
