I've written a small program that stores information from a list in a .txt file to a structure, which can then be looked up through an array of pointers.
I finished writing a basic test version of this and compiled it: 0 errors 0 warnings
Then when I tried to execute the .exe file I got this error:

--------------------Configuration: lab1 - Win32 Debug--------------------
LINK : error : Internal error during SetupPhase
  ExceptionCode            = C0000005
  ExceptionFlags           = 00000000
  ExceptionAddress         = 00436134
  NumberParameters         = 00000002
  ExceptionInformation[ 0] = 00000000
  ExceptionInformation[ 1] = 00000018
  Eax    = 00000000  Esp    = 0013F598
  Ebx    = 3FFF9650  Ebp    = 3FFF2E4C
  Ecx    = 00000000  Esi    = 3FFF4030
  Edx    = 3587DA85  Edi    = 00502C49
  Eip    = 00436134  EFlags = 00010202
  SegCs  = 0000001B  SegDs  = 00000023
  SegSs  = 00000023  SegEs  = 00000023
  SegFs  = 0000003B  SegGs  = 00000000
  Dr0    = 0013F598  Dr3    = 3FFF9650
  Dr1    = 3FFF2E4C  Dr6    = 00000000
  Dr2    = 00000000  Dr7    = 00000000
Error executing link.exe.
Tool execution canceled by user.
I'm using the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, anyone know how I can fix this problem?
I've executed plenty of programs before without this happening. This error is now happening whenever I try to execute any .exe file i've made.