I'm attempting to write a program whereby it gets the name and path of all directories and files and adds them to a linked list. The list structure should hold the name/path for a directory, then any files in that directory should be held in another node off the directory node - essentially a list within a list.

I've got the program working to the extent that it will add all the directory and file names to the one list, but it does not distinguish between the two. I've tried various things to get the filenames to add to the list within the directory list but nothing has worked for me so far.

Anyway, if someone could show me what I need to change/add to get it working, it would be most appreciated. (By the way, I'm also pretty sure I'm not using nodetype correctly as well, but it's not so important) :-)

#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

enum Tnodetype {n_file, n_directory, n_symlink};
typedef enum Tnodetype Nodetype;

struct Tcell{
    struct Tcell *next;
    char * localname;
    char * fullname;
    struct Tcell * content;  // list of files in directory
    Nodetype nodetype;
typedef struct Tcell Cell, *List;

char * fullname(char *root, char * name)
    const char * sep = "/";
    char * res = (char *) malloc(strlen(root)+strlen(sep)+strlen(name)+1);
    return res;

int notdot (char * s)
    return  strcmp(s,".") != 0  && strcmp(s,"..")!= 0 ;

int issymlink(char * name)
    struct stat buf;
    lstat(name, &buf);
    return (buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK;

int isdir(char * name)
    struct stat buf;
    lstat(name, &buf);
    return (buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR;

List cons(List lp, char * fname, char * lname, Nodetype nodetype)
     List res = (List)malloc(sizeof(Cell)); 
     res->localname = strdup(lname);
     res->fullname = strdup(fname);
     res->content = NULL;
     res->nodetype = nodetype;
     res->next = lp;
     return res;

List add_symlink(List lp, char *path, char * name)
    Nodetype nodetype = n_symlink;
    return cons(lp, path, name, n_symlink);

List add_directory(List lp, char *path, char * name)
     Nodetype nodetype = n_directory;
     return cons(lp, path, name, n_directory); 

List add_file(List lp, char *path, char * name)
     Nodetype nodetype = n_file;
     return cons(lp, path, name, n_file);

List filecheck(List lp, char * dirname)
    DIR *dd;
    List dir = 0;
    struct dirent *dp;
    int res = 0;
    dd = opendir(dirname);
    while ((dp = readdir(dd)))
        if (notdot(dp->d_name)){
            char * name2 = fullname(dirname, dp->d_name);
            if (issymlink(name2))  
                 lp = add_symlink(lp, name2, dp->d_name);
            else if (isdir(name2)){
                 lp = add_directory(filecheck(lp,name2), name2, dp->d_name);
                 lp = add_file(lp, name2, dp->d_name);
    return lp;

void showtree (List lp)
     for ( ; lp ; lp = lp->next)
     printf("  %s - %s\n",lp->fullname);

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
    List lp = 0;
    char * dirname = strdup(( argc >1) ? argv[1] : getenv("HOME"));
    showtree(filecheck(lp, dirname));
    return (0);