I, for whatever reason, get a seg fault when ever I do

soil->root = NULL

I also find that when I try the following I get a seg fault as well.

soil -> root = (struct entry *) malloc (sizeof(struct entry));

My current hypothesis is that the server I am using will not allow me to access its memory for whatever reason. Though I have tried other programs, and they work just fine, even though they need access to memory. But before my server went down for about 6 hours, everything was just fine upto linking a Binary tree (which I'll have another thread for).

Here is what my code looks like up to the seg fault:

// Program      : Lab05
// File         : lab05h.c
// Function     : header
// Description  : Header file for Lab05

# include <ctype.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <stdlib.h>

# define TRUE 1
# define FALSE 0
# define YES 1
# define NO 0
# define WORD 32
# define MAX 81
# define REMOVE "\\\"\%/`~!@#$^&*()-+={}|[];<>?: "  
    //Used for strtok  ",.' " not included 

struct entry{
    char name [WORD];
    char *line[5] ;
    struct entry *left;; 
    struct entry *right;; 

struct head{
    struct entry *root;

int promptFile( char scriptFile[] );
int buildTree ( struct head *soil, FILE *fp );
int fileOpen ( char fileName[], FILE **fpr );
FILE *skipEntry( FILE ***fp );
void upperAll ( char word[] );
FILE *leafAdd ( char name [ ], FILE **fp, struct head *soil );
FILE *addLoop( struct entry **current, FILE ***fp, char line[]);
void displayTree ( struct entry *current );

// Program      : Lab05
// File         : main.c
// Function     : main
// Description  : This program will hold company names and details
//              :  within a binary tree.
// Variable Ref : soil - holds root of tree
//              : fpr - the file to be read in
//              : fileName - name of file to use
//              : argc - number of arguments read in
//              : argv - arguments read in

# include "lab05.h"

int main( int argc, char *argv[] ){

    struct head *soil;
    struct entry *current;
    char fileName [WORD];
    FILE *fpr;

  // If file name supplied in command line, build from that file, else
  //  build from defult file

    soil -> root = NULL;