Thread: functions and passing data

  1. #31
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Your best bet is to use a structure to contain all the variables you need, then you don't have to have very long lists of parameters.

    Here is an example.
    Study what is going on, then expand it to match your needs.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    typedef struct loan {
        int         TermLoan;
        int         NumberofMonths;
        double      interestRate;
    } loan;
    void CollectInput( loan *details );
    void Calculate ( loan *details );
    void Amortization ( loan *details );
    int main()
        loan details;
        printf( "start of program\n" );
        CollectInput( &details );
        Calculate( &details );
        Amortization( &details );
        printf( "hit enter to end" );
        return 0;
    //Start of the function to collect data
    void CollectInput( loan *details )
        printf( "Enter termloan\n" );
        scanf( "%d", &details->TermLoan );
    //Start of Calculate function
    void Calculate( loan *details )
        printf( "Enter #months and rate\n" );
        scanf( "%d%lf", &details->NumberofMonths, &details->interestRate );
    //State of print function
    void Amortization( loan *details )
        printf("\amortization Schedule\n");
        printf( "%d %d %f\n",
            details->TermLoan, details->NumberofMonths, details->interestRate );
    // My output
    $ ./a.exe
    start of program
    Enter termloan
    Enter #months and rate
    22 33
    mortization Schedule
    12 22 33.000000
    hit enter to end$
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  2. #32
    Registered User
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    can some one show me how i would break down my statments so that they are not passing as many variables. Is there a way that i can do a funcation within the funcation so that i can make the funcations smaller. Or should i just start all over writing this program. I really need some help

  3. #33
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    What, am I invisible or something?
    How much fewer than one variable were you hoping to get?
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  4. #34
    Registered User
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    what you showed me helped. But i had to change it to do the math.I need help to get me loop to work. i was able to get the funcations to read. But I'm not able to get the math correct. Can you look at this and tell me what Im doing wrong please.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    typedef struct loan {
        int          c,n, count;    
        int         TermLoan;
        int         Numberofmonths;
        double      InterestRate,
                    a, i,
    } loan;
    void CollectInput( loan *details );
    void Calculate ( loan *details );
    void Amortization ( loan *details );
    int main()
        loan details;
        printf( "start of program\n" );
        CollectInput( &details );
        Calculate( &details );
        Amortization( &details );
        printf( "hit enter to end" );
        return 0;
    //Start of the function to collect data
    void CollectInput( loan *details )
          printf ("Please enter in loan amount, Term of Loan in months and Interest Rate.\n");
         while (scanf("%lf%d%lf", &details->LoanAmount, &details->TermLoan, &details->InterestRate) != 3
                         || (details->LoanAmount < 0 || details->TermLoan < 0 || details->InterestRate < 0 ))
                 while ((details->c = getchar()) != '\n' && details->c != EOF);
                 printf ("Please re-enter in loan amount, Term of Loan in months and Interest Rate.\n"); 
    //Start of Calculate function
    void Calculate( loan *details )
        details->PaymentAmount = ((details->i/12*details->a)/(1-pow((1+(details->i/12)),-details->n)));            
                while(details->PaymentNumber < details->Numberofmonths)
               details->PaymentNumber++; //Start number of months for amortization schedule
               details->AmountInterest = details->a  * (details->i/12);  
               details->AmountPrinciple = details->PaymentAmount - details->AmountInterest;
               details->LoanBlance = details->a - details->AmountPrinciple;
    //State of print function
    void Amortization( loan *details )
        printf("\amortization Schedule\n");
               printf ("CurrentBlance %.2f\n", details->a);
               printf ("InterestRate %.2f\n", details->InterestRate); 
              printf ("PaymentNumber %d\n",  details->PaymentNumber);
              printf ("LoanBlance  %.2f\n", details->LoanBlance);
              printf ("PaymentAmount %.2f\n", details->PaymentAmount);
              printf ("AmountPrinciple %.2f\n", details->AmountPrinciple);
              printf  ("AmountInterest %.2f\n", details->AmountInterest);
              printf ("_______________________\n\n");
              details->a = details->LoanBlance;  

  5. #35
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    my program run cool. But I have an issues. How do i call my
    Amortization( &details ); to print it prints one time around but not the second. I I also for some reason not able to pass the payment number wither any ideas. or do i do another while loop in the main or can i run that funcation with in another funcation

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    typedef struct loan {
        int          c,n, count;    
        int         TermLoan;
        int         Numberofmonths;
        double      InterestRate,
                    a, i,
    } loan;
    void CollectInput( loan *details );
    void Calculate ( loan *details );
    void Amortization ( loan *details );
    int main()
        loan details;
        printf( "start of program\n" );
        CollectInput( &details );
        Calculate( &details );
        Amortization( &details );
        printf( "hit enter to end" );
        return 0;
    //Start of the function to collect data
    void CollectInput( loan *details )
          printf ("Please enter in loan amount, Term of Loan in months and Interest Rate.\n");
         while (scanf("%lf%d%lf", &details->LoanAmount, &details->TermLoan, &details->InterestRate) != 3
                         || (details->LoanAmount < 0 || details->TermLoan < 0 || details->InterestRate < 0 ))
                 while ((details->c = getchar()) != '\n' && details->c != EOF);
                 printf ("Please re-enter in loan amount, Term of Loan in months and Interest Rate.\n"); 
    //Start of Calculate function
    void Calculate( loan *details )
           details->CurrentBlance = details->LoanAmount;
              details->Numberofmonths = details->TermLoan; 
                   details->i = details->InterestRate/ 100;    
                   details->n = details->Numberofmonths;
                   details->a = details->CurrentBlance;
                    details->PaymentNumber = 0;
                    details->count = 0;
           details->PaymentAmount = ((details->i/12*details->a)/(1-pow((1+(details->i/12)),-details->n)));            
                while(details->PaymentNumber < details->Numberofmonths)
               details->PaymentNumber++; //Start number of months for amortization schedule
               details->AmountInterest = details->a  * (details->i/12);  
               details->AmountPrinciple = details->PaymentAmount - details->AmountInterest;
               details->LoanBlance = details->a - details->AmountPrinciple; 
               details->a = details->LoanBlance;      
    //State of print function
    void Amortization( loan *details )
        printf("\amortization Schedule\n");
               printf ("CurrentBlance %.2f\n", details->a);
               printf ("PaymentNumber %d\n",  details->PaymentNumber);
              printf ("LoanBlance  %.2f\n", details->LoanBlance);
              printf ("PaymentAmount %.2f\n", details->PaymentAmount);
              printf ("AmountPrinciple %.2f\n", details->AmountPrinciple);
              printf  ("AmountInterest %.2f\n", details->AmountInterest);
              printf ("_______________________\n\n");
               details->a = details->LoanBlance;      

  6. #36
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
    Join Date
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    The edge of the known universe
    Call it from inside the loop in Calculate() perhaps?
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  7. #37
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    Sep 2006


    I did that and it prints ok. THe only issue that I have knwo is that once i run the program it only prints to payment 8 and the I get a lot of wried letters. i cdan run 6 or 7 months for the payment and the program runs fine. Is there a buffer that is not allowing it to print out more then that many

    this is what i get
    start of program
    Please enter in loan amount, Term of Loan in months and Interest Rate.
    1000.00 8 8
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 877.89
    PaymentNumber 1
    LoanBlance  877.89
    PaymentAmount 128.78
    AmountPrinciple 122.11
    AmountInterest 6.67
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 754.96
    PaymentNumber 2
    LoanBlance  754.96
    PaymentAmount 128.78
    AmountPrinciple 122.93
    AmountInterest 5.85
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 631.22
    PaymentNumber 3
    LoanBlance  631.22
    PaymentAmount 128.78
    AmountPrinciple 123.75
    AmountInterest 5.03
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 506.64
    PaymentNumber 4
    LoanBlance  506.64
    PaymentAmount 128.78
    AmountPrinciple 124.57
    AmountInterest 4.21
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 381.24
    PaymentNumber 5
    LoanBlance  381.24
    PaymentAmount 128.78
    AmountPrinciple 125.40
    AmountInterest 3.38
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 255.01
    PaymentNumber 6
    LoanBlance  255.01
    PaymentAmount 128.78
    AmountPrinciple 126.24
    AmountInterest 2.54
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 127.93
    PaymentNumber 7
    LoanBlance  127.93
    PaymentAmount 128.78
    AmountPrinciple 127.08
    AmountInterest 1.70
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance -1.#J
    PaymentNumber 8
    LoanBlance  -1.#J
    PaymentAmount 128.78
    AmountPrinciple -1.#J
    AmountInterest -1.#J
    hit enter to end
    and here is my program
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    typedef struct loan {
        int          c,n, count, PaymentNumber;    
        int         TermLoan;
        int         Numberofmonths;
        double      InterestRate,
                    a, i,
    } loan;
    void CollectInput( loan *details );
    void Calculate ( loan *details );
    int main()
        loan details;
        printf( "start of program\n" );
        CollectInput( &details );
        Calculate( &details );
        printf( "hit enter to end" );
        return 0;
    //Start of the function to collect data
    void CollectInput( loan *details )
          printf ("Please enter in loan amount, Term of Loan in months and Interest Rate.\n");
         while (scanf("%lf%d%lf", &details->LoanAmount, &details->TermLoan, &details->InterestRate) != 3
                         || (details->LoanAmount < 0 || details->TermLoan < 0 || details->InterestRate < 0 ))
                 while ((details->c = getchar()) != '\n' && details->c != EOF);
                 printf ("Please re-enter in loan amount, Term of Loan in months and Interest Rate.\n"); 
    //Start of Calculate function
    void Calculate( loan *details )
        void Amortization ( loan *details );
         int count;
           details->CurrentBlance = details->LoanAmount;
              details->Numberofmonths = details->TermLoan; 
                   details->i = details->InterestRate/ 100;    
                   details->n = details->Numberofmonths;
                   details->a = details->CurrentBlance;
                    details->PaymentNumber = 0;
                    count = 0;
           details->PaymentAmount = ((details->i/12*details->a)/(1-pow((1+(details->i/12)),-details->n)));            
                while(details->PaymentNumber < details->Numberofmonths)
               details->PaymentNumber++; //Start number of months for amortization schedule
               details->AmountInterest = details->a  * (details->i/12);  
               details->AmountPrinciple = details->PaymentAmount - details->AmountInterest;
               details->LoanBlance = details->a - details->AmountPrinciple;
               Amortization( details );  
               details->a = details->LoanBlance; 
    //State of print function
    double Amortization( loan *details )
        printf("amortization Schedule\n");
               printf ("CurrentBlance %.2f\n", details->a);
               printf ("PaymentNumber %d\n",  details->PaymentNumber);
              printf ("LoanBlance  %.2f\n", details->LoanBlance);
              printf ("PaymentAmount %.2f\n", details->PaymentAmount);
              printf ("AmountPrinciple %.2f\n", details->AmountPrinciple);
              printf  ("AmountInterest %.2f\n", details->AmountInterest);
              printf ("_______________________\n\n");    

  8. #38
    Frequently Quite Prolix dwks's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    Looking at your output, I'd say that you while loop runs once longer than it should.

    Seek and ye shall find. quaere et invenies.

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  9. #39
    Registered User
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    put if i do the same thing with test data 1000.00 loanamount 12for month and 12 interest i get the same result . so its like for some reason I'm running out of room for the numbers. I'm trying to figure out what kind of printf statemnts i can use to show me what causeing the data to get corrupt.

    start of program
    Please enter in loan amount, Term of Loan in months and Interest Rate.
    1000.00 12 12
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 1000.00
    PaymentNumber 1
    LoanBlance  921.15
    PaymentAmount 88.85
    AmountPrinciple 78.85
    AmountInterest 10.00
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 921.15
    PaymentNumber 2
    LoanBlance  841.51
    PaymentAmount 88.85
    AmountPrinciple 79.64
    AmountInterest 9.21
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 841.51
    PaymentNumber 3
    LoanBlance  761.08
    PaymentAmount 88.85
    AmountPrinciple 80.43
    AmountInterest 8.42
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 761.08
    PaymentNumber 4
    LoanBlance  679.84
    PaymentAmount 88.85
    AmountPrinciple 81.24
    AmountInterest 7.61
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 679.84
    PaymentNumber 5
    LoanBlance  597.79
    PaymentAmount 88.85
    AmountPrinciple 82.05
    AmountInterest 6.80
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 597.79
    PaymentNumber 6
    LoanBlance  514.92
    PaymentAmount 88.85
    AmountPrinciple 82.87
    AmountInterest 5.98
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 514.92
    PaymentNumber 7
    LoanBlance  431.22
    PaymentAmount 88.85
    AmountPrinciple 83.70
    AmountInterest 5.15
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 431.22
    PaymentNumber 8
    LoanBlance  -1.#J
    PaymentAmount 88.85
    AmountPrinciple -1.#J
    AmountInterest -1.#J
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance -1.#J
    PaymentNumber 9
    LoanBlance  -1.#J
    PaymentAmount 88.85
    AmountPrinciple -1.#J
    AmountInterest -1.#J
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance -1.#J
    PaymentNumber 10
    LoanBlance  -1.#J
    PaymentAmount 88.85
    AmountPrinciple -1.#J
    AmountInterest -1.#J
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance -1.#J
    PaymentNumber 11
    LoanBlance  -1.#J
    PaymentAmount 88.85
    AmountPrinciple -1.#J
    AmountInterest -1.#J
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance -1.#J
    PaymentNumber 12
    LoanBlance  -1.#J
    PaymentAmount 88.85
    AmountPrinciple -1.#J
    AmountInterest -1.#J
    hit enter to end

  10. #40
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    The edge of the known universe
    > double Amortization( loan *details )
    Previously declared as returning void (which is better)

    Strange, my results are out of step (almost from yours). Here are my last 3
    $ ./a.exe
    start of program
    Please enter in loan amount, Term of Loan in months and Interest Rate.
    1000 8 8
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 1000.00
    PaymentNumber 1
    LoanBlance  877.89
    PaymentAmount 128.78
    AmountPrinciple 122.11
    AmountInterest 6.67
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 381.24
    PaymentNumber 6
    LoanBlance  255.01
    PaymentAmount 128.78
    AmountPrinciple 126.24
    AmountInterest 2.54
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 255.01
    PaymentNumber 7
    LoanBlance  127.93
    PaymentAmount 128.78
    AmountPrinciple 127.08
    AmountInterest 1.70
    amortization Schedule
    CurrentBlance 127.93
    PaymentNumber 8
    LoanBlance  -0.00
    PaymentAmount 128.78
    AmountPrinciple 127.93
    AmountInterest 0.85
    > CurrentBlance -1.#J
    Lots of weird stuff can happen when floating point numbers get very close to zero without actually being zero. Rounding errors are just one of the many things which make floating point much more of a challenge than it first seems.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  11. #41
    Registered User
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    Mar 2005
    void Calculate( loan *details )
        void Amortization ( loan *details );
    Try moving the Amortization prototype outside of your Calculate function. (near the other prototypes)

    change double Amortization to void Amortization in the definition.

    Also, you have many unused/uneeded variables.
    You never use count (well, you increment it but for no reason)
    You never use loan->count

    details->Numberofmonths = details->TermLoan; //after this TermLoan is never used again
    details->n = details->Numberofmonths;  //after this Numberofmonths is never used again
    You don't need to (should not) store every variable your program is going to use in your struct.
    For example "int c" is nothing more than a temporary variable used by CollectInput, it has nothing to do with loan

    Your problem may be with floating point precision, or lack there of.

    This should function the same as your current code, but with many of the useless variables removed
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    typedef struct loan {
        int         PaymentNumber;
        int         TermLoan;
        double      InterestRate,
    } loan;
    void CollectInput( loan *details );
    void Calculate ( loan *details );
    void Amortization( loan *details );
    int main()
        loan details;
        printf( "start of program\n" );
        CollectInput( &details );
        Calculate( &details );
        printf( "hit enter to end" );
        return 0;
    //Start of the function to collect data
    void CollectInput( loan *details )
        int c;
        printf ("Please enter in loan amount, Term of Loan in months and Interest Rate.\n");
        while (scanf("%lf%d%lf", &details->LoanAmount, &details->TermLoan, &details->InterestRate) != 3
               || (details->LoanAmount < 0 || details->TermLoan < 0 || details->InterestRate < 0 ))
            /* "flush stdin" */
            while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF);
            printf ("Please re-enter in loan amount, Term of Loan in months and Interest Rate.\n");
    //Start of Calculate function
    void Calculate( loan *details )
        details->InterestRate =  details->InterestRate / 100 / 12;
        details->LoanBalance = details->LoanAmount;
        details->PaymentNumber = 1;
        details->PaymentAmount = ((details->InterestRate * details->LoanAmount) /
        while(details->PaymentNumber <= details->TermLoan)
            details->AmountInterest = details->LoanBalance * (details->InterestRate);
            details->AmountPrinciple = details->PaymentAmount - details->AmountInterest;
            details->LoanBalance = details->LoanBalance - details->AmountPrinciple;
            Amortization( details );
    //Start of print function
    void Amortization( loan *details )
        printf("Amortization Schedule\n");
        printf("CurrentBalance  %.2f\n", details->LoanBalance);
        printf("PaymentNumber   %d\n",   details->PaymentNumber);
        printf("LoanBalance     %.2f\n", details->LoanBalance);
        printf("PaymentAmount   %.2f\n", details->PaymentAmount);
        printf("AmountPrinciple %.2f\n", details->AmountPrinciple);
        printf("AmountInterest  %.2f\n", details->AmountInterest);
    EDIT: I see the same output as Salem
    Last edited by spydoor; 09-21-2006 at 11:14 AM.

  12. #42
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I figured out the double and void problem about 30 minutes ago., THanks for all of your help

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