i need help with the calcuations. I know that I'm off some where just not to sure where.

File Name:     Tmitchellwk1
Descreption:   Display Loan Amortization Schedule
Date:          August 28th, 2006
Desinger;      Tabatha Mitchell
Assugnment:    week1
Fuctions:      None
#include <stdio.h>

/*Program to compute Amortization Schedule*/

main  ()
   int   TermLoan,  // length of the loan
         PaymentNumber,  //number of payments made
          Numberofmonths, //Number of months in the loan
          n; //Letters used for the caculations
double   AmountPrinciple, //Amount paid on principle
         AmountInterest,  //amount paid to intrest
         LoanBlance, //amount owed on loan\ count,
          LoanAmount, //amount of the loan  
         InterestRate, //intrest rate on loan
           NewBlance, //amount of new amount owed
           PaymentAmount;  //amount paid to loan       
 //start of main program
   printf ("Please enter in loan amount, Term of Loan and Intrest Rate.\n");
   scanf  ("%lf%d%lf", &LoanAmount, &TermLoan, &InterestRate);
   CurrentBlance = LoanAmount;
   Numberofmonths = TermLoan * 12 ;  //calculate numbers of months
   i = InterestRate;
   n = Numberofmonths;
   a = CurrentBlance;
printf ("\nAmortization Schedule\n");
printf ("_____________________\n");
printf ("PaymentNumber, LoanBlance, PaymentAmount, AmountPrinciple, AmountInterest, NewBlance\n");
 PaymentNumber = 0;  
   count =0;
      while(PaymentNumber < Numberofmonths) //start of while loop
        printf ("at line 2\n");          
           PaymentAmount = (1+i/12)pow(n)*(i/12*a)/(1+i/12)pow(n-1);
           PaymentNumber++; //Start number of months for amortization schedule
           count++; //Start counter for displaying specific number of payments
           AmountInterest =  a * i;
           AmountPrinciple =  PaymentAmount - AmountInterest;
           NewBlance = a - NewBlance;
           LoanBlance = a  - AmountPrinciple;
          printf ("%d\n",  PaymentNumber);
          printf ("%lf\n", LoanBlance);
          printf ("%lf\n", PaymentAmount);
          printf ("%f\n", AmountPrinciple);
          printf  ("%lf\n", AmountInterest);
          printf ("%f\n", NewBlance);

          printf ("at  line 3\n");
        }  //end of while loop 

getchar ();
getchar ();
printf ("hit enter to end");
return 0;         