I've searched a lot in google for examples on how to use sscanf but I didn't find many, in fact, I only found one page with some live examples, every other site found, only had the syntax explanation and nothing else...

I want to be able to read a string with sscanf and return true if it matches exactly, otherwise return false. The string to be read must be exactly like this: integer, comma, integer, double quote, text, double quote, comma, single character.

Real example:
1,5,"some text",h

The single character at the end, must only be an 'h' or a 'v'.

So, can anyone help me out how to do that? I tried and tried from what I understand of sscanf but couldn't make it work, I guess I don't understand at all how sscanf works. If possible, it would be nice to save (in the above example) 1, 5, some text and h to variables cause I'll need them later of course and one more thing that I think it's more difficult, but if possible I also would like to include the character "double quote" and "comma" between the double quote text. Dunno if it's possible cause as I said before, I don't understand much of sscanf.

If only there was perl compatible regular expressions included in the standard C...