Passing functions as parameters


I am having trouble understanding how some code works for a project of mine. I don't quite get how passing a function as a parameter into another function works. Here is the code im referring to:

void tftp_connection(struct sockaddr_in *serveraddr,char *action,char *name, char *readname)
    FILE *f;
    int blen=255;
    if ((action[0]=='R')||(action[0]=='r')) {
		if (readname==NULL)  
    if (blen!=0) 
    	printf("tftp error. please try again.\n\n");

int tftp_receive(struct sockaddr_in *to1,char *name,char *mode,int innum,                
                 char (*TFTPwrite)(char *,long ,char,void *),
                 void *argu)
    return tftp_receive_ext(to1,name,mode,innum,TFTPwrite,argu,PKTSIZE);

char TFTPswrite(char *data,long n,char first,void *f)
    fwrite(data,n,1,(FILE *)f);
    return 0;
The question i have is that when you pass TFTPswrite as a parameter in both:

return tftp_receive_ext(to1,name,mode,innum,TFTPwrite,argu,PKTSIZE);
how does it know what parameters to use for the function since we are just passing the name of the function? TFTPwrite uses data, n, and *f, but when we call the function (tftp_receive and tftp_receive_ext respectively) that passes TFTPswrite as a function where is it pulling these values for TFTPswrite to use from (char *data,long n,char first,void *f)?

I also have a question as to when the code for TFTPswrite executes. Does it execute when it is passed in as a parameter? Would there be another way to not pass TFTPswrite as a parameter and just have the one line of code it uses execute somewhere else in the program so that we can avoid passing it as a parameter?

Any help would be greatly appricated i know it sounds confusing me trying to explain but i think the code is even more confusing.
